1. This is where we all live, our Earth.
2. This the solar system, our “neighborhood”.
via: foxnews.com
3. This is the scaled distance between Earth and Moon. You thought the moon was farther?
4. What if I told you that between Earth and moon you could fit every planet of our solar system?
5. If you still don’t have a measure of how tiny we are, here is North America compared to Jupiter.
6. You could line up SIX Earths on the Saturn’s rings.
7. And here is how our sky would look like if Earth had rings like Saturn.
via: io9.com
8. This is a comet, compared to Los Angeles. Big, isn’t it?
via: mentalfloss.com
9. If that was big, here is the sun, and we are that tiny little point down there.
via: twitter.com
10. And here is how we look like from the moon.
11. And from Mars.
12. From Saturn.
13. And from Neptune, 4 billion miles away.
14. But let’s look again at how we look like compared to the sun. It blows my mind every time.
15. That little dot is the sun, seen from Mars.
16. Did you know that there are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth?
17. And between all these stars, many are much bigger than our sun. Take a look at how it looks compared to VY Canis Majoris.
via: wikipedia.org
18. And galaxies are incredibly bigger. Just so you understand: if the sun was a blood cell, the Milky Way would be as big as the United States!
via: reddit.com
19. The Milky Way is enormous. Here is where we are inside it.
via: teecraze.com
20. It’s mind blowing to think that all the stars we can see to the naked eye at night are just part of this yellow circle.
via: twitter.com
21. But don’t you ever think the Milky Way is the biggest galaxy in space. Here it is compared to Ic 1011!
via: twitter.com
22. This is a picture taken from the Hubble telescope. In just this space there are millions of galaxies, each and everyone of them containing million of stars, each with planets orbiting around them.
via: hubblesite.org
23. This is one of these galaxies. It’s named UDF 423, and it’s 10 billion light years away. Do you know what this means? It means that it’s light takes 10 billion years to reach the Earth. Basically, by looking at this galaxy you are looking 10 billion years into the past!
via: wikisky.org
24. Keep in mind that every single inch of your vision of the night sky contains billions of galaxies, stars, planets.
via: thetoc.gr
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